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EU Customers: With regret, we have temporarily suspended orders to EU countries due to technical difficulties surrounding EU Tax. UK, non-EU and worldwide customers remain unaffected. We aim to resume EU orders again within the coming weeks. (read more)

Contact Fish4Flies

If you have any questions regarding our products, placing orders, tips on how we can improve our service, you can use the below form to contact us and we will do our best to answer your queries within hours or in the next working day.

Thank you for using Fish4Flies.

Tel: We operate a free call-back service. If you would like to use it, please enter your details below, and include your phone number with your international country code if outside the UK. We will aim to ring you within one working day


Please make sure you enter your name and email address of your account so that we can process your request. Anonymous requests unfortunately cannot be processed!

If you are making a return or would like to send us some samples of something you would like tied up, please send them to the following address and clearly state your order number (if applicable) and contact details:

Fish4Flies Ltd
12 Warren Drive
SS11 8NE
United Kingdom

If you prefer you can email us directly at but please note that you will receive a faster response by using our contact form or online chat facility.